Matching Feature Points
How to match Feature Points?
Nearest-neighbor matching to feature database
We can use the kd-tree algorithm to find the approximate nearest neighbor. SIFT modifies the algorithm slightly: it implements the best-bin-first modification by using a heap to order bins by their distance from the query point. This gives a 100-1000x speedup and gives the correct result 95% of the time.
Wavelet-Based Hashing
Compute a short 3-vector descriptor from the neighborhood using a Harr Wavelet. This greatly reduces the amount of features we need to search through.
Quantize each value into 10 (overlapping) bins ( total entries)
Locality Sensitive Hashing
Construct hash functions such that for any two points and (where is some distance function): If the distance between is high, the probability of their hashes being the same is "small"; if the distance between them is low, the probability of their hashes being the same is "not so small".
If we can construct such a hash function, we can jump to a particular bin and find feature points that are similar to a given input feature point and reduce our search space down.